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When I was young and trying to figure out a trajectory for my life there was always a question lingering in the background holding me back. "Is this all there is?" Looking back I realise now that it was my first attempt to search for deeper meaning.


I had moved to the US from Hungary in order to learn English. Meeting Ken was the turning point for my self exploration, his compassion and love toward others was inspiring, he caressed my soul and I awoke to embrace the deepness of my consciousness.

Ildi and Ken

Our Story

We began our journey together in 1997. We did some deep soul searching at that time about the kind of life we wanted to create. We realised that the key to a meaningful life is to grow and expand and become whatever it is we have the potential to be. We made it a point to find time for the things that were meaningful to us... family, community, travelling and having many great adventures around the world including two long-term sabbaticals. Experiencing the world helped us to grow, expand and demolish all the mental barriers we both had. We were by then citizens of the world and we were ready to explore opportunities. The idea for a yoga/health centre first came about when we lived in Costa Rica. We became passionate about the idea of creating a beautiful, tranquil place where people could come to heal and grow. Our search for like-minded people led us to California, where we found an awesome community that took us in and deepened our search and aspiration for spirituality and self growth.

We felt a strong desire to improve ourselves. We looked at the three facets of the whole: mind, body and spirit and explored ways to improve each one. While Ken was exploring the spirit and consciousness, Ildi was drawn to the holistic healing of the body.

We moved to Valencia to fulfil Ildi’s lifelong yearning of living here and to finally realise the dream that started in Costa Rica.


When we look back at our life we see there is a thread, our path in search of meaning and love, led us to create Blue Morpho, a beautiful space to foster a community of fellow seekers looking to explore ideas and to grow and expand together. In addition to Blue Morpho and as part of it we are also opening a retreat center outside of the city. It will be a tranquil peaceful place immersed in a natural setting designed to promote healing, introspection and expansion.

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